JUMP TOIntroductionIntroductionAuthenticationExtractionDocumentExtract data from a document (sync)postExtract doc at a Sensible URLpostExtract doc at your URLpostExtract data from a document using specified configpostExtract doc at a Sensible URL using specified configpostExtract doc at your URL using configpostPortfolioExtract portfolio at a Sensible URLpostExtract portfolio at your URLpostRetrieve extractionsRetrieve extraction by IDgetList extractionsgetGet extraction statisticsgetGet Excel from documentsGet Excel extractiongetGet CSV extractiongetReview extractionsGet token for review linkpostClassificationDocumentClassify document by typepostClassify document by type (sync)postSenseMLSenseML referenceConfigurationDocument typeList document types for this accountgetCreate document typepostGet document typegetUpdate document typeputDelete document typedeleteConfigurationList configurations in a document typegetCreate configuration in a document typepostGet configurationgetUpdate configurationputDelete configurationdeleteList versions for a configurationgetGet configuration by versiongetPublish configuration to an environmentputDelete draft or unpublish configurationdeleteReference documentList all reference documents in a document typegetCreate reference documentpostGet reference document metadatagetUpdate metadata for a reference documentputDelete reference documentdeleteUnassociate reference document from configurationdeleteExtract all text from reference documentpostGet reference document metadataget https://api.sensible.so/v0/document_types/{type-id}/goldens/{document-name}Get download URL and other metadata for a reference document.