Extract data from a document (sync)

Note: Use this endpoint for testing. Use the asynchronous extraction endpoints for production.

Extract data from a local document synchronously.

To explore this endpoint, use this interactive API reference, or use one of the following options:

  • For a quick "hello world" response to this endpoint, see the API quickstart
  • For a step-by-step tutorial about calling this endpoint, see Try synchronous extraction.
  • Run this endpoint in the Sensible Postman collection.
    Run in Postman

There are two options for posting the document bytes.

  1. (often preferred) specify the non-encoded document bytes as the entire request body,and specify the Content-Type header, for example,"application/pdf" or "image/jpeg".
    See the following for supported file formats.
  2. Base64 encode the document bytes, specify them in a body "document" field, and specify application/json for the Content-Type header.

For a list of supported document file types, see Supported file types.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!