Filter and format extracted data using the Type parameter in a Field object.

For example, the following field returns null unless it finds data that Sensible recognizes as a number:

  "fields": [
      "id": "typed_field",
      "type": "number",
      "anchor": "duration in years:",
      "method": {
        "id": "label",
        "position": "right"

As an alternative to types, you can use LLM-based fields to format and filter data. For example, instead of using the Compose type, you can use the Source IDs parameter on the Query Group method.

The following types are available:


Phone Number




Accounting currency


Returns USA-based addresses. By default, Sensible recognizes single- or multi-line addresses isolated from other lines in "block" format. For example, "type":"address" recognizes address such as:

Click to enlarge

Use the Block Format parameter to recognize addresses embedded in non-address lines, for example, use:

  "type": {
    "id": "address",
    "block_format": false

to find addresses in paragraphs:

Click to enlarge

Example output

    "value": "11 Center Street\nAmherst, MA 01002",
    "type": "address"

Formats recognized

With either block or in-line address, Sensible recognizes these formats:

  • City, State, Zip, and variant representations of these elements such as abbreviations
  • Digits, Street, City, State, Zip, and variant representations of these elements such as abbreviations
  • PO boxes with a number represented in digits
  • Lists of addresses in the preceding formats
  • Addresses that span multiple lines. To enable this behavior, Sensible joins the lines returned by the method using whitespaces as the separators, and finds the type in the joined text.

Sensible is less sensitive to non-address text if you configure "block_format": false:

Newlines optionalyesyes
Trailing or leading non-address text allowed in starting or ending address linesnoyes
Non-address text allowed between address elementsnono

For example:

# block formats

123 Waverly Pl
San Francisco, CA

San Francisco, CA 94110

123 Waverly Pl San Francisco, CA 941104123

PO BOX 1058 San Francisco, CA 94110

# inline format

the shipping address is 123 Waverly Pl
San Francisco, CA, 94110. The billing address is the same. 

This type doesn't match text that lacks a zip code, such as 11 Center Street, Amherst, MA.


Returns true for the following case-insensitive strings:


Returns false for the following case-insensitive strings:


Example output:

  source: "YES",
  type: "boolean",
  value: true,


You can define this type using concise syntax, or you can configure options with expanded syntax.

Simple syntax

Syntax example

"type": "currency"

Output example

Returns USA dollars as absolute value. For example,

    "source": "3 bil",
    "value": 3000000000,
    "unit": "$",
    "type": "currency"

Formats recognized

Sensible by default recognizes USA decimal notation (for example, 1,500.06). Recognizes abbreviated quantities, such as k for thousand.

To recognize European decimal notation (for example, 1.500,06), see the following configurable syntax section.

Recognizes digits with the following formatting:

  • dollar sign, optional commas every three digits, optional cents after period

  • commas every three digits, optional cents after period

  • no dollar sign, up to six digits without commas as sole line contents. Allow up to nine digits if cents are present.

Recognizes abbreviated and written-out quantities as follows:

  • thousand, k
  • million, mil, mm, m
  • billion, bil, b
  • trillion, t

For example:

1 mm
3 bil
2 thousand

This type doesn't match text such as one million or 123456789.

Configurable syntax

Use configurable syntax to change the default recognized formats.

Example syntax

    "id": "currency",
    "currencySymbol": "€",
    "requireCurrencySymbol": true,  
    "thousandsSeparator": ".",
    "decimalSeparator": ",", 
    "maxValue": 10000,
    "roundTo": 2

Example output

    "source": "€3.567,01",
    "value": 3567.01,
    "unit": "€",
    "type": "currency"


id (required)currency
requireCurrencySymbolboolean. Default: falseRequires a currency symbol preceding the amount.
currencySymbolstring or object. Default: $The text to recognize as a currency symbol, for example "€" or "EURO". The text must precede the amount. This parameter sets the Unit parameter in the output.
To specify multiple currencies to recognize, use this parameter to specify a lookup table. The table maps source text to the Unit parameter. For example, the following lookup table recognizes currency codes and symbols for dollars and euros, and outputs symbols to the Unit parameter:
"currencySymbol": {
"$": "$"
"€": "€"
"USD": "$",
"EUR": "€",
"default": "€"}
If the source text doesn't include a currency symbol, Sensible uses the default specified in the lookup table. If the lookup table doesn't include a default, Sensible falls back to the $ symbol.
requireThousandsSeparatorboolean. Default: falseRequires a thousands separator in numbers with a thousands place.
thousandsSeparatorstring. Default: ,The separator to require, for example .
decimalSeparatorstring. Default: .For numbers with a decimal place, specify the separator, for example ,.
maxDecimalDigitsnumber. Default: 4The maximum number of decimal digits to recognize.
maxValuenumber. Default: infinityThe maximum currency amount to recognize. Use this to extract an amount with a known range. For example, use it as an alternative to the Tiebreaker parameter, or to extract one currency amount among several returned by a method like the Document Range or Box method.
minValuenumber. Default: infinityThe minimum currency amount to recognize. Use this to extract an amount with a known range.
relaxedWithCentsBoolean. default: falseUse this parameter when poor-quality scans or photographed documents result in erroneous OCR output for the decimal separator or thousands separator.
If true, Sensible overrides all other Currency type parameters, outputs USD currency, and recognizes the following number format as a currency:

- any number of digits mixed with <fuzzySeparator> characters, followed by
- one <fuzzySeparator> character, followed by
- two digits (for the cents)

where a <fuzzySeparator> character is any of the following common erroneous OCR outputs for a period or comma:
.,;: _ (period, comma, semicolon, colon, space, underscore)

For example, if you set this parameter to true, then for the erroneous OCR output "7.859:36", Sensible returns:
{"source": "7.859:36",
"type": "currency",
"unit": "$",
"value": 7859.36}
accountingNegativedefault, anyParentheses, bothParentheses, suffixNegativeSign Default: nullReplaces the deprecated Accounting Currency type. Specifies to recognize accounting sign conventions for negative numbers.
null Sensible recognizes negative numbers as described in the preceding formats recognized section.
bothParentheses - Sensible assigns a negative value to a number prefixed and suffixed by parentheses.
anyParentheses - Sensible assigns a negative value to a number that includes any parentheses as a suffix or prefix. Use this option to handle OCR errors, where an opening or closing parenthesis can be incorrectly recognized as other characters.
suffixNegativeSign - Sensible assigns a negative value to number suffixed by a negative sign.
default Replaces the behavior of the Accounting Currency type for backward compatibility. The equivalent of bothParentheses and suffixNegativeSign.
alwaysNegativebooleanIf true, Sensible assigns a negative value to a number and ignores sign symbols in the document. For example, use this to capture values in the debit column of an accounting document, where negative signs are omitted.
removeSpacesbooleanRemoves whitespace in a line for better currency recognition. For example, changes the line $ 12.45 to $12.45.
roundTonumber of decimal places to round up to.Rounds up to the specified decimal place.
For example if you specify "roundTo": 3 then Sensible rounds 0.1234 to 0.123.
If you specify "roundTo": 2 and "decimalSeparator": "," then Sensible rounds 5,249 to 5,25.


You can define this type using concise syntax, or you can configure options with expanded syntax.

Sensible matches dates that span multiple lines. To enable this behavior, Sensible joins the lines returned by the method using whitespaces as the separators, and finds the type in the joined text.

Simple syntax

Syntax example


Output example

Returns an ISO 8601-formatted date-time. For example:

    "source": "Feb 1, 21",
    "value": "2021-02-01T00:00:00.000Z",
    "type": "date"

Formats recognized

Sensible recognizes the following date formats by default:

"%b %d,? %Y",
"%b %d,? %y",
"%b %dst,? %Y",
"%b %dst,? %y",
"%b %dnd,? %Y", 
"%b %dnd,? %y",
"%b %dth,? %Y",
"%b %dth,? %y",
"%b %drd,? %Y",
"%b %drd,? %y",

See the following configurable syntax section for definitions of the field descriptors in the preceding list.

The following are examples of date formats that Sensible recognizes by default:

november 30, 1955
Feb 1, 21
June 7th, 2021
Jan. 9th, 09

Configurable syntax

Syntax example

The following example:

    "id": "date",
    "format": ["%b-%d[a-z]{2}-%y$", "%y%M%D", "%b\\\\%d\\\\%Y", "%b\\s*?%Y"]   

Recognizes the following date formats and ignores all default formats:

formatexampleexample output
"value": "2022-01-31T00:00:00.000Z"
"%y%M%D"800325"value": "1980-03-25T00:00:00.000Z",
"%b\\\\%d\\\\%Y"JAN\31\2022"value": "2022-01-31T00:00:00.000Z"
"%b\\s*?%Y"jan 2022"value": "2022-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"


id (required)dateReturns datetime. Sensible outputs the time as midnight UTC.
formatJS regex or array of JS regexsCustom date formats override the defaults listed in the simple syntax section.
See the following table for a list of the field descriptors. The field descriptors are concise syntax for regular expressions. You can use Javascript-flavored regular expressions ("regex") with these field descriptors to define custom date formats. Double escape special characters since the regex is in a JSON object (for example, \\s, not \s , to represent a whitespace character).

The following table lists the field descriptors you can use to define a custom format other than the default formats listed in the simple syntax section.

field descriptorregexnotesexample
%bfor each month, case-insensitive pattern like january OR jan\.?Abbreviated month name, with or without periods, or full month name.Jan, Feb, ..., Dec.
January, February, ..., December
%y[0-9]{2}Two-digit year.
Values in the range 69–99 refer to years in the twentieth century (1969–1999); values in the range 00–68 refer to years in the twenty-first century (2000–2068).
Tips: If you want to recognize two-digit years and exclude four-digit years, add an end-of-line regex special character $ in formats like "%m/%d/%y$" so that you don't incorrectly match dates like 02/03/1998 as 2019-02-03T00:00:00.000Z.
If you want to match both two- and four-digit years, you don't need the $ character. Instead you need to specify the four-digit format first, for example, ["%b-%d-%Y","%b-%d-%y"].
00, 01, ..., 99
%Y[0-9]{4}Four-digit year (year with century as a decimal number).2013, 2019 etc.
%m[0-9]{1,2}The month number, unpadded or zero-padded.1,...,12
%M[0-9]{2}Two-digit ("zero-padded") month number (01-12).01,...,12
%d[0-9]{1,2}The day number, unpadded or zero-padded1,...,31
%D[0-9]{2}Two-digit ("zero-padded") day number (01-31).01,...,31


Returns miles and kilometers. Recognizes digits followed optionally by kilometers, miles, or their abbreviations. For example:

3,001.5 kilometers
2 km
1.5 kms
1 mile
4 mi

Example output:

    "source": "3,001.5 kilometers",
    "value": 3001.5,
    "unit": "kilometers",
    "type": "distance"


Use this solely with the Document Range method to return image metadata.


Simple syntax

Syntax example

"type": "name"

Output example

Returns one or more names. For example:

  "source": "Richard & Ann Spangenberg",
  "type": "name",
  "value": [
      "Richard Spangenberg",
      "Ann Spangenberg"

Formats recognized

Doesn't recognize a list of names more than 6 words long. Doesn't recognize lists of three or more names such as last1, last2, & last3

Recognizes names of the formats below, and variant representations of these elements such as abbreviations.

  • first last
  • first1 last1 and first2 last2
  • last, first1 and first2
  • first1 and first2 last
  • first1 last1, first2 last2,... firstN, lastN

For example:

John R. Smith Sr
Richard & Ann Spangenberg
DuBois, Renee and Lois 
Argos Fullington, Jax Odenson, Ollie Longstreet

Configurable syntax

Example syntax

    "id": "name",
    "capitalization": "allCaps"

Example output

  "source": "Richard & Ann Spangenberg",
  "type": "name",
  "value": [


id (required)name
capitalizationallCaps, firstLetter. Default: no change to source capitalizationFormats the output in all uppercase, or with the first letter of each word capitalized.


Simple syntax

Syntax example

"type": "number"

Output example

    "source": "123456789",
    "value": 123456789,
    "type": "number"

Formats recognized

Recognizes digits in USA decimal notation. Recognizes one or more digits, optionally followed either by:

  • commas preceding every three digits, optional digits after period, or by
  • digits after period

For example:


This type does not recognize text such as 3.061.534,45. Configure the Currency type instead.

Configurable syntax

Example syntax

    "id": "number",
    "roundTo": "2"

Example output

    "source": "1234.56989",
    "value": 1234.57,
    "type": "number"


id (required)number
roundTonumber of decimal places to round up to.Rounds up to the specified decimal place.
For example if you specify "roundTo": 3 then Sensible rounds 0.1234 to 0.123.


Use with methods that return paragraphs, for example Document Range or Paragraph, to format the extracted text. By default, returns paragraphs formatted with newline characters (\n), instead of formatted as a single string.

Simple syntax

Syntax example

"type": "paragraph"

Output example

For any move in date that is after the 15th of the month, Tenant must pay a full month of rent in order to gain possession of the home. The prorated rent amount will be due the second month of lease.\n Every month thereafter, Lessee must pay rent on or before the 1st day of each month with 5 days of grace period. Excludes utility costs.\n

Formats recognized

Sensible recognizes paragraphs separated by configurable vertical gaps, or "paragraph breaks." Sensible doesn't use paragraph margins, for indentations, to detect paragraphs.

Configurable syntax

Use configurable syntax to change the formatting of the extracted text.

Example syntax

    "id": "paragraph",
    "annotateSuperscriptAndSubscript": true

Example output

For the following document:

Click to enlarge

When you set"annotateSuperscriptAndSubscript": true , Sensible formats the footnote symbols to indicate they're superscripted, for example, [^1]:

  "lease_duration": {
    "type": "string",
    "value": "12/31/2023 [^1] . Thereafter, it shall be month-to-month on the same terms and conditions as stated herein plus $80.00 month to month charge, save any changes made pursuant to law, until terminated by notice of at least 30 days. [^2]\n[^1] Landlord shall send notice of new terms 30 days before current terms end. [^2] Proper 30 day notice (in writing or email) must be received by the Landlord."


id (required)paragraph
annotateSuperscriptAndSubscriptBoolean. default: falseWhen true:
- Sensible annotates subscript and superscript text with [^...] and [_...], respectively.
- Sensible annotates end-of-page breaks with [EOP].
allNewlinesBoolean. default: falseWhen true, Sensible inserts a newline (\n) in the output for every line break in the document text, and two newlines (\n\n), for every paragraph break.
When false, Sensible inserts a newline for every paragraph break.
paragraphBreakThresholddefault: 0.4By default, Sensible detects paragraph breaks when the vertical gap between two lines is larger than 40% of the font height of the output line. Use this parameter to change the percentage.


Returns percent as an absolute value. Recognizes a percent formatted as digits in USA decimal notation (for example, 1,500.06), followed optionally by a whitespace, followed by a percent sign (%) .

For example:

20.1 %

Example output

    "source": "20.5%",
    "value": 20.5,
    "type": "percentage"

Phone Number

Returns phone numbers:

  • Recognizes USA 10-digit phone numbers either with or without a country calling code. May be optionally formatted with parentheses, dashes, spaces, plus sign (+), or periods.

  • Recognizes international phone numbers if prefixed by a country calling code (for example, +91 for India).


888 353 3264
888 353-3232
(207) 312-6767
+91 9999999999
+91 9999 999999
+91 9999-999999

Example output

    "type": "phoneNumber",
    "source": "(855) 786-3246",
    "value": "+18557863246"

This type does not recognize country calling codes formatted with 00, for example, 0091 or 001.


Default type. Returns strings.

Example output

    "type": "string",
    "value": "3 bil"


Required when you define a table method.


Returns pounds and kilograms. Recognizes digits in USA decimal notation (for example, 1,500.06):

  • digits are in the format recognized by the Number type

  • "pounds", "kilograms", or their abbreviations follow the digits

For example:

1,000.4 kg
1 kilo
5.5 kilograms
6.00 lbs
1 pound

Example output

    "source": "6,000.01 lbs",
    "value": 6000.01,
    "unit": "pounds",
    "type": "weight"



Returns a transformed type you define using an array of types. In the array, each successive type in the array takes the previous type's output as its input. For example, use this type:

  • As a more syntactically concise alternative to the Regex method or to Computed Field methods. For example, you can write a field to capture a date-typed field, then transform the field's output with the Split method. Or, see the following example to transform dates using the Compose type.
  • To transform table cell contents. As an alternative, see the NLP table method to transform table cell contents using large language models(LLMs).
  • As an alternative to this type, see the Source ID parameters on the Query Group method. You can use this parameter to transform extracted data, for example, format the extracted data in mm-dd-yyy format.


id (required)compose
types (required)array of type objectsEach type in a compose array takes the output of the previous type as its input.
Note that Sensible recommends explicitly configuring a tiebreaker if you configure this type for a method that can output an array. The tiebreaker applies to the output of the last type in the array.



  "fields": [
      "id": "maintenance_records",
      "anchor": "date",
      "type": "table",
      "method": {
        "id": "fixedTable",
        "columnCount": 2,
        "columns": [
            "id": "col1_date",
            "type": {
              "id": "compose",
              "types": [
                  /* convert variable source date formats to standard format
                     YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00.000Z */
                  "id": "date"
                /* convert date type's output to YYYY-MM using a capturing group */
                  "id": "custom",
                  "pattern": "^([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2})-[0-9]{2}",
                  /* optionally name a custom type */
                  "type": "date-YYYY-MM"
            "index": 0
            "id": "col2_description",
            "index": 1
        "stop": {
          "type": "startsWith",
          "text": "keep"

Example document
The following image shows the example document used with this example config:

Click to enlarge

Example documentDownload link


  "maintenance_records": {
    "columns": [
        "id": "col1_date",
        "values": [
            "source": "2021-12-03",
            "value": "2021-12",
            "type": "date-YYYY-MM"
            "source": "2022-03-14",
            "value": "2022-03",
            "type": "date-YYYY-MM"
            "source": "2023-01-01",
            "value": "2023-01",
            "type": "date-YYYY-MM"
        "id": "col2_description",
        "values": [
            "value": "Maintenance description",
            "type": "string"
            "value": "Changed oil",
            "type": "string"
            "value": "New front tires",
            "type": "string"
            "value": "Battery replaced",
            "type": "string"
            "value": "Changed oil",
            "type": "string"


Use the Custom type to return all regular-expression pattern matches in source lines. For example, in the source text available appointment times include 12:45, 14:15, and 16:30 you can use the regular expression [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2} to match 12:45, 14:15, and 16:30. By default, this type returns the first match (12:45). Take actions on your matches, for example:

  • Configure which match to return using the Tiebreaker parameter or the first capturing group.
  • Specify the match as a custom type, using this type's Type parameter. For example, create types for zip codes, time durations, customer IDs, and order numbers.
  • Transform the match using the Compose type. For an example, see the Compose type.

Example syntax

    "id": "custom",
    "pattern": "Time\\:\\s*([0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2})",
    "type": "time_24_hr"

Example output

This type outputs strings. For example:

    "source": "Time: 14:01",
    "value": "14:01",
    "type": "time_24"


id (required)custom
pattern (required)Valid JS regexJavascript-flavored regular expression. Returns the first match, or returns the first capturing group if specified. For full support for capturing groups, see the Replace type. As an alternative to capturing groups, use a tiebreaker, for example, "tiebreaker": "second". See the following section for an example.
Double escape special characters since the regex is in a JSON object. For example, \\s, not \s , to represent a whitespace character.
Sensible doesn't validate regular expressions for custom types.
flagsJS-flavored regex flags.Flags to apply to the regex, for example: "i" for case-insensitive. The flag "g" is unsupported. As an alternative, use "tiebreaker": "join" to return all matches as one string.
matchMultipleLinesBoolean. default: falseIf true, matches regular expressions that span multiple lines. To enable this behavior, Sensible joins each line returned by the method using a whitespace as the separator, and runs the regular expression on the joined text.
^ matches the start of the first line returned by the method, and $ matches the end of the last line. For example, ^[0-9 ]+$ matches all the joined text returned by the method, if all the characters are digits or whitespaces.
typeString. default: stringName for your custom type. For example, "time_24_hr" or YY-MM-date.


The following example shows using a tiebreaker as an alternative to a capturing group to return one of several matches from the Custom type.


  "fields": [
      "id": "last_appt",
      "anchor": "available",
      "method": {
        "id": "box",
        "includeAnchor": true,
        /* return the last pattern match */
        "tiebreaker": "last"
      "type": {
        "id": "custom",
        /* match all 24-hr formatted times.
           tiebreaker determines which of 
           3 matches to return */
        "pattern": "[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}",
        "type": "time_24_hr"

Example document
The following image shows the example document used with this example config:

Click to enlarge

Example documentDownload link


  "last_appt": {
    "source": "16:30",
    "value": "16:30",
    "type": "time_24_hr"


Use the Replace type to replace all instances of a regular-expression pattern match in source lines and return the transformed source lines as a string. For example, strip out whitespaces from the source text $ 5 00 0 and return $5000.


id (required)replace
pattern (required)Valid JS regexJavascript-flavored regular expression. Replaces all matches. Supports capturing groups. See the following section for an example.
By default, matches regular expressions that span multiple lines. To enable this behavior, Sensible joins each line returned by the method using a whitespace as the separator, and runs the regular expression on the joined text.
Double escape special characters since the regex is in a JSON object. For example, \\s, not \s , to represent a whitespace character.
Sensible doesn't validate regular expressions for custom types.
replaceWith (required)stringSpecifies the text with which to replace each match. For example, replace every digit in a string ("pattern:"[0-9]") with the character "x" ("replaceWith":"x"). For a matched string a12bc3 this returns axxbcx.
Or, specifies to replace capturing groups. For example, "pattern": "(account)\\s(number)" and "replaceWith": "$2, $1" returns number, account.
flagsJS-flavored regex flags. Default: "g"Flags to apply to the regex. for example: "i" for case-insensitive. Sensible always applies the flag "g" (global).


The following example shows how to strip all whitespaces and unwanted characters from a number, and how to use capturing groups with the replace type.


  "fields": [
      /* the source text contains unexpected whitespaces and capital letters due to line merging problems
         use the Replace type to strip the whitespaces
         and the Compose method to convert the stripped output
         to a currency  */
      "id": "each_accident",
      "anchor": {
        "match": {
          "text": "EMPLOYER'S LIABILITY",
          "type": "includes"
      "type": {
        "id": "compose",
        "types": [
            "id": "replace",
            /* find all capital letters and whitespaces */
            "pattern": "[A-Z\\s+]",
            /*  strip them from the output */
            "replaceWith": ""
          /* convert the output of the Replace type to a currency */
      "method": {
        "id": "region",
        "start": "left",
        "offsetX": 0,
        "offsetY": 0.1,
        "width": 3,
        "height": 0.2,
        "sortLines": "readingOrderLeftToRight",
      /* this field shows the original string output, 
         which can't be converted to currency until the spaces and letters are removed */
      "id": "_each_accident_raw",
      "anchor": {
        "match": {
          "text": "EMPLOYER'S LIABILITY",
          "type": "includes"
      "method": {
        "id": "region",
        "start": "left",
        "offsetX": 0,
        "offsetY": 0.1,
        "width": 3,
        "height": 0.2,
        "sortLines": "readingOrderLeftToRight",
      "id": "proposed_exp_date",
      "anchor": {
        "match": {
          "text": "proposed exp",
          "type": "includes"
      "type": {
        "id": "replace",
        /*regex pattern, using capturing groups */
        "pattern": "([0-9]{2}).*?([0-9]{2}).*?([0-9]{4})",
        /* outputs the capturing groups in a new order */
        "replaceWith": "$3-$1-$2",
      "method": {
        "id": "region",
        "start": "left",
        "offsetX": 0,
        "offsetY": 0.1,
        "width": 3,
        "height": 0.2,
        "sortLines": "readingOrderLeftToRight",

Example document
The following image shows the example document used with this example config:

Click to enlarge

Example documentDownload link


  "each_accident": {
    "source": "$500,000",
    "value": 500000,
    "unit": "$",
    "type": "currency"
  "_each_accident_raw": {
    "type": "string",
    "value": "$ 50 0 , 000 ACCIDEN EACH T"
  "proposed_exp_date": {
    "source": "12/26/2024",
    "value": "2024-12-26",
    "type": "replaced_string"


Use the Any type to specify an array of possible types for a field. Sensible uses the first-matching type in the array. Use the Any type as a more concise syntactical alternative to defining an array of fallback fields of different types to capture variations in target data's formatting or type.

For example, to specify a field that Sensible might recognize as a currency, a number, or a string, depending on the document formatting, use the Any type:

    "fields": [
            "id": "total_charge",
            "type": {
              "id": "any",
              "types": [
                  "id": "currency",
                  "requireCurrencySymbol": false,
                  "maxValue": 10000,
                  "roundTo": 2
            "anchor": "total charge:",
            "method": {
                "id": "passthrough"

If Sensible recognizes a currency, it can for example return:

  "total_charge": {
    "source": "$ 1,000",
    "value": 1000,
    "unit": "$",
    "type": "currency",

Or, if it fails to recognize the total charge as a currency but does recognize it as a number, it can fall back to returning:

  "total_charge": {
    "source": "1,000",
    "value": 1000,
    "type": "number",


Accounting Currency

Deprecated. See Currency

Returns US dollar numbers. Supports negative numbers represented either with parentheses () or with the minus sign (-).

Recognizes digits in USA decimal notation (for example, 1,500.06):

  • digits are in the format recognized by the Number type
  • digits are optionally preceded or succeeded by a negative sign (-)
  • digits are optionally preceded by a USA dollar sign ($)



Example output

    "source": "($400.567)",
    "value": -400.567,
    "unit": "$",
    "type": "accountingCurrency"