Configures the verbosity of the extraction.


Possible ValuesDescription
1Adds a lines array to each field's output describing the field's source text in the document. Each line includes information about its position in the document, for example, page, and boundingPoly metadata.
3- In addition to the lines array:
- Sensible returns points and regions arrays as siblings to the lines array
- If Sensible extracted a field from OCR'd text, then Sensible adds the following confidence scores to the output:
1. In the field's standardized text metadata, Sensible provides an OCR confidence score for each element in the lines array. The score is the average score of the "tokens", or words, in the line.
2. In the field output, Sensible outputs OCR anchorConfidence and valueConfidence values, which are the averages of their source lines' confidence scores.

Sensible's OCR engines output confidence scores between 0 and 1. For more information about using OCR confidence scores, see Validate extractions.

If the verbose output causes the extraction response to exceed 6MB, as can be the case with large documents, then Sensible returns a 413 error.


If you add "verbosity": 1, as a sibling to the fields array in the Fixed Table example, you get the following output:

{ "agile_risks_table": { "columns": [ { "id": "col1_risk_description", "values": [ { "value": "Poor task point estimation", "type": "string", "lines": [ { "text": "Poor task point estimation", "page": 0, "boundingPolygon": [ { "x": 0.993, "y": 2.75 }, { "x": 2.631, "y": 2.753 }, { "x": 2.63, "y": 3.378 }, { "x": 0.993, "y": 3.376 } ] } ] }, { "value": "Poor epic scope definition", "type": "string", "lines": [ { "text": "Poor epic scope definition", "page": 0, "boundingPolygon": [ { "x": 0.993, "y": 3.376 }, { "x": 2.63, "y": 3.378 }, { "x": 2.63, "y": 4.004 }, { "x": 0.992, "y": 4.001 } ] } ] }, { "value": "Inadequate scrum master training", "type": "string", "lines": [ { "text": "Inadequate scrum master training", "page": 0, "boundingPolygon": [ { "x": 0.992, "y": 4.001 }, { "x": 2.63, "y": 4.004 }, { "x": 2.63, "y": 4.868 }, { "x": 0.992, "y": 4.866 } ] } ] } ] }, { "id": "col4_rank_last_month", "values": [ { "source": "2", "value": 2, "type": "number", "lines": [ { "text": "2", "page": 0, "boundingPolygon": [ { "x": 5.878, "y": 2.758 }, { "x": 7.512, "y": 2.761 }, { "x": 7.511, "y": 3.386 }, { "x": 5.878, "y": 3.383 } ] } ] }, { "source": "1", "value": 1, "type": "number", "lines": [ { "text": "1", "page": 0, "boundingPolygon": [ { "x": 5.878, "y": 3.383 }, { "x": 7.511, "y": 3.386 }, { "x": 7.511, "y": 4.011 }, { "x": 5.877, "y": 4.008 } ] } ] }, { "source": "3", "value": 3, "type": "number", "lines": [ { "text": "3", "page": 0, "boundingPolygon": [ { "x": 5.877, "y": 4.008 }, { "x": 7.511, "y": 4.011 }, { "x": 7.511, "y": 4.874 }, { "x": 5.877, "y": 4.872 } ] } ] } ] } ], "title": { "type": "string", "value": "Agile software development risk tracking", "lines": [ { "text": "Agile software development risk tracking", "page": 0, "boundingPolygon": [ { "x": 0.994, "y": 1.666 }, { "x": 4.902, "y": 1.673 }, { "x": 4.902, "y": 1.886 }, { "x": 0.994, "y": 1.879 } ] } ] }, "footer": { "type": "string", "value": "Project managers and technical program managers can expand on the preceding table for risk management in Agile software development.", "lines": [ { "text": "Project managers and technical program managers can expand on the preceding table for risk management in Agile software development.", "page": 0, "boundingPolygon": [ { "x": 0.981, "y": 5.161 }, { "x": 7.447, "y": 5.169 }, { "x": 7.447, "y": 5.663 }, { "x": 0.981, "y": 5.655 } ] } ] } } }

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